

This poem “The Rain” has been written by W.H Davies (William Henry Davies) who was born in July 1871 and died in September 1940. W.H Davies was one of the well-known poets and writers of his age. He was a profound lover of nature. He wrote many poems on nature. “The Rain” is one of these poems.

About the Poem

This poem is comprised of two stanzas. Each stanza is equally important and significant because each stanza is depicted so beautifully that readers are so pleased after reading it. The first stanza describes the scene when it rains. And in the 2nd stanza, the poet describes the scene after the rain stops. The poem is rich in language, rhythm, and tone. The language used in this poem is beautiful and easy to comprehend. The poem is so simple that even a common man can interpret its meanings easily.

“The Rain” is a beautiful pen picture of beautiful weather after the rain stops. It is basically a symbolic poem that symbolizes the place of rich and poor in a society. This poem depicts the picture of a poor man’s suffering. This poem also conveys a strong message that rich people get the golden chance to achieve anything, and whatever remains is sent to the poor class of society.

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Stanza wise explanation

Stanza 1

I hear leaves drinking rain;
 I hear rich leaves on top 
Giving the poor beneath 
Drop after drop; 
Tis a sweet noise to hear
  These green leaves drinking near.

In this stanza, the poet describes a beautiful scene of beautiful weather when it rains and after the rain stops. the poet says that he can hear the leaves of different trees which are drinking the raindrops. As it has been described already it is raining. so, when the raindrops fall on the leaves of trees, it seems that leaves are drinking water. Leaves that are on the top of the trees are called “rich leaves” by the poet because they get the raindrops directly. And the leaves at the bottom of the trees are called poor leaves because they get raindrop after drop. They do not get raindrops directly. In fact, they get what is left behind. Just as the rich people are more benefited with the benefits of world as compared to poor people. The same is the case of upper and lower leaves of trees. The sound of raindrops falling on the leaves is called “sweet noise” by the poet. Poet calls it sweet noise because this sound appears to be pleasant to the ears of the poet.

Stanza 2

And when the Sun comes out, 
After this Rain shall stop,
  A wondrous Light will fill 
Each dark, round drop; 
I hope the Sun shines bright; 
‘T will be a lovely sight.

The 2nd stanza describes the beauty of the environment after the rain stops. In the 2nd stanza, the poet says that everything looks so beautiful and bright. Finally, when the rain ends and the sun comes out, the bright and beautiful sun rays will brighten each and every dark thing. The poem ends with an optimistic note. Poet hopes sun to come out and shine bright, which will present a lovely sight.

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